Sunday, August 26, 2012

Star Trek TNG: Episode 52 - The Survivors

The Survivors is a decent episode, it's certainly no Surviving the Game. My favorite movie about hunting hobos. This one is a throwback to TOS. Meaning, it's a plot in which the old show did numerous times. You see, an immortal energy being ends up on this planet and falls in love with a humanoid. When everyone on the planet is killed by the Husnok he recreates the woman that he loved. The twist is that this being is pissed off at the Husnok that he kills them all .... 50 billion of them! Picard doesn't feel that he should judge, so he just lets the being be. How very Switzerland.

ST TNG: 51 down 128 to go


capt.naps said...

i always liked this episode. It reminds me of classic trek because it was almost a Twilight Zone Episode but the Crew is in it.
The basic premise would work without it even being Star Trek.

Donald said...

All things considered, this might be the most depressing episode of Trek ever.

Mugato said...

It is rather depressing. Also, if the being could basically do whatever it wanted ... why create itself as an 80 year old white guy?

Donald said...

So I looked up Surviving the Game on the IMDB, and I'll be damned if that doesn't have a pretty cool cast. I just added it to my netflix queue.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

Yeah, I guess I wouldn't want to mess with a guy who single-handedly committed genocide.

Mugato said...

This guy is seriously way too powerful, even though he looks like Conrad Bain.

And yeah, isn't that an awesome cast? It's an entertaining movie.

Donald said...

Seriously, if I had the magic ability to do whatever I want, I wouldn't live alone on a planet with some old lady.