Friday, July 22, 2005


I am hypnotizing will click on my link this time. You will click it, unlike last time when nobody cut and pasted my link. You will do as I say. And....AWAKE!
There it's linked. Click it and tell me that
it's not the funniest
title of a news article ever?

Also if anyone has seen this movie, let me know if
it's any good. I know Depp is good and all, but I think
I buy Gene Wilder being a child-molester more than I do Depp.


Donald said...

I laughed.

But, I'll tell ya, I have no interest in this movie. First of all, I don't like Tim Burton. In fact, I don't understand why anybody would like him. Sure, Batman was cool and Ed Wood had a great script and good acting, but that's two films out of a dozen or so stinkers. Nobody else is tired of the same sets and kooky ideas over and over again?

And Johnny Depp. He's ok I guess but I just don't get it. He's one of those actors where people actually gasp when I tell them that I don't think he's all that great. I find him boring... and, come on, he makes so many crummy "arty" movies that nobody cares about. There's a reason why Pirates was his first hit... it was the only one anybody wanted to see.

Mugato said...

I'll have to say that I really don't get the Tim Burton thing either, I hate when people try too hard to be weird and artistic, thats why I hate Quintin Terintino (sp?), he tries to hard to be wierd and crazy. The only people that are qualified enough to make weird movies are schizophrenics and/or manics.....possibly autistics. As for Depp, I admit that I always like him in his movies....although I can't figure out why.

Anonymous said...

Charlie and the chocolate factory is very well done. as much as i like the original 1971 version, this new one actually follows the book better. there's a scence in the 1st one that's not even IN the book they just made it up. and it's too happy. the book is actually really dark like most of Roald Dahl's writings.
i recommend seeing it.

as for Burton...i've liked every movie he's done, save for Planet of the Apes...that was shitty. i don't even think i finished it. but yeah, like M. Knight Shalamalakumpoo, he's not for everyone.