Sunday, August 21, 2011

Enterprise: Epsidode 30 - DEAD STOP

"Heavily damaged by the Romulan mine, Enterprise is repaired by an unmanned and automatic repair station with a mind of its own."

Ahh, I'm back from camping on the planet of .... New Hampshire.
I wasn’t sure what to expect from this episode. I mean, the plot is basically … the ship gets broken, the ship gets fixed.  But, this random space station floating is space was fascinating. It is totally unmanned, running mostly on powerful computers. It can do anything, from replicating food and materials etc, to diagnosing and solving ship problems and also health problems with the crew.  I actually wanted this thing to really exist, and someday I assume it may to some degree.  The only hitch is that it needs to kidnap one crewman on every ship and use their brain. It seems like a small price to pay for having this really awesome piece of technology! The station takes Mayweather and replaces him with a near perfect but dead replica. So everyone thinks he’s dead, but Phlox figures out the ploy. Which is good, because I like the character. Although of all of the people on the ship to use their brain, the station takes the ensign??? 

Archer, Trip and T’Pol go on the station and save Mayweather and then Archer blows the entire thing up! Why would you do that man?!?! Thank god the things starts repairing itself. I really like this space station, I was almost rooting for it to destroy the Enterprise. It was very reminiscent of the Borgs.



capt.naps said...

some camping trip on the Planet Neo sat in the lobby getting wi fi. its very thoreau! would this station defeat the borg?? time to go work on my fan fiction

Mugato said...

Geez, now the Cheers episode is on when Coach's fiancee leaves him, how depressing ... yet still funny.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

That repair station was pretty smart, because it took the one crew member that nobody, including fans of the show, would ever miss.