Saturday, March 03, 2012

Star Trek TOS: Episode 64 - THE THOLIAN WEB

Sort of an interesting episode. The Enterprise are investigating the disappearance of the Defiant when they see a ghostly image of it. For some crazy reason they beam aboard. The ship starts to dissolve Spock and McCoy beam off but Kirk disappears with the ship. Fortunately he is "stuck in the beam" as a ghost (this also happened on the show Enterprise).

Fearing him dead, Spock takes over as captain and immediately butts heads with McCoy. A Tholian vessel then appears and gives them one hour to retrieve Kirk (assuming he is alive). They then start building a force field web around the Enterprise. Spock must wait for a certain time to arrive before he can retrieve the Captain ... and they save him with minutes to spare.

ST TOS COUNTDOWN: 65 down 15 to go

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