Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Star Trek TOS: Episode 66 - WINK OF AN EYE

One of my favorites. It's extremely interesting and it vears from the typical TOS plots, which is a good thing. The Scalosians are a race that once had a normal existance but due to radiation they have been thrown into a different time-space reality...ok so it makes no sense. They operate at an incredibly fast rate of speed, literally in the wink of an eye. To the crew, people and objects seem to be dissapearing and appearing instantly but they are just being pulled into the Scalosians time sequence.  To Sulu and Uhura, Kirk seemed to have instantly vanished but within that millisecond Kirk had an entire conversation with a beautiful Scalosian woman. She tells him that all the men are sterile so she needs the crew to basically mate with .... Kirk being her first. Which he actually does! They show him putting his clothes back on after the deed is done. (isn't the winking eye a dirty phrase or something like that??) She also tells them that they are turning the ship into a generational type vessel and have already started installing powerful machinery.

Meanwhile in real time McCoy figures out an antidote to the radiation and they get Kirk back. Spock and Kirk destroy the machinery and being leave. Spock stays in hyper-speed in order to fix the rest of the ship quickly. Easily one of my favorites of season three.

ST TOS COUNTDOWN: 67 down 13 to go


Justin Garrett Blum said...

Oh, yeah, I remember this one. This is one of those episodes that's really clever without maybe making a whole lot of sense.

Donald said...

i really need to brush up on my third season Trek. I haven't seen any of these past few in forever.

Mugato said...

Season 3 is very "hit or miss"