Friday, June 08, 2012

Star Trek TNG: Episode 22 - The Arsenal of Freedom

A lot going on this episode. The Enterprise are in search of the USS Drake, they end up on an empty planet. This was once a great weapons planet, they sold arms. You with me so far? Ok. So Picard, Riker, Data, Yar and Crusher beam down and encounter deadly drones and holograms. Geordi is in command of the Enterprise and they become under attack by a cloaked weapon. He ends up seperating the saucer section. Picard and Crusher fall down a crevace and nearly have sex. By the way I'm talking about Beverley, not Wesley. Just to be clear. Finally the greatest hologram of all time shows up ... a Vincent Schiavelli hologram. Fuck this Tu-pac hologram that everyone is so excited about ...

ST TNG: 21 down 157 to go


Donald said...

I remember this one being funny. I say "remember" because I haven't rewatched it in years, because it's actually probably awful.

Mugato said...

It's completely odd.

Donald said...

Another funny line that I remember: When Riker is talking to that hologram he says he's from the Lollipop, then he goes, "it's a good ship." That's funny.

Donald said...

Here's Scotty's comment about this episode, "They shoulda called this one Arse-enal of freedom."

Good one, Scotty!

Mugato said...

Did Scotty really say that??

Mugato said...

too bad