Sunday, May 13, 2012

Star Trek TNG: Episode 3 - The Naked Now

Kind of a bit lazy to rehash an entire TOS plot. The crew gets infected by a virus that makes you drunk ... sound familiar? Is drinking alcohol supposed to make you want to have sex? Because honestly it usually just makes me fall asleep.

Even though the plot isn't the best, the characters sure do make this a fun episode. Yar, Troi and Crusher are all rather sexy in this one. Data is just hilarious and even Wesley is tolerable. I did notice something odd ... Wesley Crusher is taller than Geordi!! Speaking of Geordi, I like him ... seems like a nice guy. That's the thing with TNG, I actually want to be friends with these people ... where as the TOS crew I'm sure they would irritate me in real life., yes real life.

ST TNG: 3 down 175 to go


Cap naps said...

You fail to mention that data is fully functional...haha he has a ro-boner

Levar Burton is very likeable...I wonder if he could ever play a Villain in a movie or something...he just seems too nice

Mugato said...

Data is fully functional and Geordi is fully Funk-tional

Donald said...

If you have intercourse with Data, is that actually sex or just masturbation?

capt.naps. said...

I'd think it would technically be masturbation (like he is just a vibrator that talks)
that being said I would think in the future they would have a term for "sex with robots". It would probably be a big fetish
Futurama calls it "robosexual" and is generally frowned upon. I can kind of see their point.

though really...why build human like robots if not to fuck them/??

and did Data's creator base Data's dong on his own penis??? I'd probably add a few more inches on it

Donald said...

If both Data and Lore are fully fuck-tional... and Lore has emotions... do you think Lore masturbates?

Donald said...

Forget I asked that. Go on to your next review.

capt.naps. said...

Those are terrible robot names

Mugato said...

Data said that he's fully functional ... which I assume means they gave him a dick. But, he doesn't drink anything (does he?) so it's obviously not for urinating.

capt.naps. said...

but he hangs out in that groovy space bar they have on the ship.
I can't remember if he ever shown drinking something.

Donald said...

You know how R2D2 has that weird probe he uses to interface with various computers? Maybe Data uses his robo-penis to do that.