Wednesday, March 09, 2005


That picture has nothing to do with this, but I laughed my ass off at it, Ron Jeremy as Super Mario i love it. Anyway this isn't meant to be pro-Bush or's just an observation of how stupid our voting public is. This is a conversation I overheard between three people on the train. Here's some memorable quotes.

Woman A: "Bush Don't Know Nothing" (Who don't know nothing?), "He sounds like he's from California or something ('s...Texas actually)", "I think Al Gore would have stopped Sadaam Hussein from driving the plane into the World Trade Center" (WHAT!)

Woman B: "I don't know how he beat Jim Kerry" (yeah he was good in Ace Ventura), "He's no Clinton, i mean, at least Clinton had some morals" (....come on now, we all now what happened)

Man: "I hate him because he's intolerant twards certain people" (I found this funny, a hateful anti-intolerance statemant? Intolerance = unwillingness to recognize and respect differences in opinions or beliefs. The statement itself is intolerant!)

This one takes the cake..

Man: "When I messed up my back under Clinton (no pun intended) my disability was twice as much as it is now" (OK so this may be true.....but did he really have to say this just before LEAVING THE TRAIN CARRYING A FRIGGIN' HUGE BAG OF ROCK SALT!)

So in conclusion ...
people that voted for Bush are retards
people that didn't vote for Bush are retards
everyone on this planet is friggin retarded!!

PS: I watched Blind's basically Daredevil without Daredevil, just Matt Murdock. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't exactly the worst either. We'll see (GET IT!)

1 comment:

Mugato said...

That last post was hilarious!