Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Star Trek TOS: Episode 20 - COURT MARTIAL

"Captain Kirk is placed on trial for negligence after a crewman is killed during a severe ion storm. Kirk maintains that his actions were proper and should not have led to the officer's death, but the evidence is strongly against him. All seems lost until new evidence prompts Kirk's attorney to use an innovative defense strategy."

Ever wonder what it would look like if Star Trek met Perry Mason ... well here you go. I wouldn't say that this episode is top notch, but it's certainly serviceable. And I thought the acting was great, especially Shatner and Elisha Cook Jr.

The plot was interesting enough, Kirk is charged with killing a crew member named Finney (be it accidentally). He has had sort of a feud with this guy, so it doesn't really look good. An interesting note is that the Cmdr/Judge is black and the prosecutor is a woman (Kirk's ex-girlfriend). Star Trek TOS is weird like that, it can be totally sexist one minute and then very groundbreaking the next. To make matters worse the computers shows that Kirk is lying about the event. Kirk gets the best lawyer; he's this wacky but very smart lawyer and a tough old bastard.

The evidence looks bad for Kirk and he's about to be sentenced when Spock shows up saying that the ship computer has been tampered with. Then Kirk's lawyer drops a bomb shell - Finney is alive and hidding on the ship.He's correct. They find him and he admits he tried to frame Kirk. Then Kirk and Finney fight. And well, that's basically the end. PS: I love Kirk's two fighting moves; 1. the axe handle chop to the back. 2. fall to the ground on your back and flip the guy using your legs

ST TOS COUNTDOWN: 21 down 59 to go


Justin Garrett Blum said...

I've never been in a fight, but if I ever am, I'm definitely going to be sure to try both of those fighting moves out.

Mugato said...

Never been in a fight either (God knows how) and I also would at least test out that axe handle technique.

Anonymous said...

In the future you'd think they'd have advanced fighting techniques quantum Kung Fu or Krab Nebula Maga

Donald said...

They should be using "Kung Fu-ture"

Donald said...

... cause it's the future.