Thursday, December 29, 2011

Star Trek TOS: Episode 26 - ERRAND OF MERCY

Don't get me wrong, this episode is decent, it's just not lights out. Kor (John Colicos) is a really good character, in fact he's actually likable. This actually may be a problem seeing how he's supposed to be a Klingon which should make him constantly pissed off and violent. He's actually very smart and well spoken yet still a bit bad ass. He's also so odd looking, I'm distracted by his strange mustache and pumpkin shaped head.

The basic premise is this: Shit between the Klingons and the Federation are going badly. The Enterprise is sent to Organia in order to prevent the Klingons from annexing it. They find that they are too late and Kor has taken control and is turning into a dictator of sorts. The dynamic is odd; Kor and Kirk fight back and forth but also have an obvious undercurrent of total respect for each other. Meanwhile the Organians play both sides and could pretty much care less about the outcome. Well, come to find out that they are powerful beings and view both the Klingons and Humans as mere children. The Organians organize a new Klingon-Federation treaty and Kirk returns to the Enterprise feeling a little bit embarressed by the entire situation.The plot wasn't the best, but you see why the Klingons became such an important character in the Star Trek universe. Kor was great. Also Shatner had a solid performance in this episode as well. It's cool because this is the first appearance of the Klingons as well as the Klingon ship.

ST TOS COUNTDOWN: 27 down 53 to go


Donald said...

Wasn't this an episode of Full House? No wait... that was Errand of Have Mercy...


Mugato said...

I am laughing