Sunday, March 02, 2014

Star Trek TNG: Episode 169 - Thine Own Self

Great episode. Data is sent to a pre-industrial planet to retrieve a crashed probe. He suffers amnesia during an accident and ends up being found by the inhabitants. They think he is an "ice man" named Jayden and pretty much welcome him into their society. Data is then befriended by a little girl. But soon Data starts to prove to be far superior to the rest of the villagers and they start to become leery of him. Then they discover that he is robotic and the rest of the episode plays out like Frankenstein ... ending in the villagers killing Data. So basically this episode is Data becomes Frankenstein.

Eventually Data is recovered by the Enterprise and repaired.

Subplot involves Troi getting promoted to Commander.

168 down 11 to go


Donald said...

The Data main plot is brilliant. Great idea, perfectly written and executed. One of the best sci-fi stories ever shown on TV. I love this one.

The Troi subplot was... weird. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the one where Troi gets promoted only after she agrees to order La Forge to his death? That's... weird. That's really a test? To see if you're willing to order somebody to die? In a computer simulation, of course, which makes it less horrific than if it was real, but also all the more pointless.

And do you think La Forge knows that the correct answer to this test is to send him to his death? Did he ever take this test and have to kill himself?

Mugato said...

Good point. The Troi plot sucked and yes that was the correct scenario to choose for her test. Riker was being a dick to her the entire time too, and really would he ever order a crewmember to die?!?! I doubt it.

haha, LaForge kills himself to be promoted.