Monday, March 10, 2014

Star Trek TNG: Episode 177 - Preemptive Strike

"Ro Laren finds her loyalties divided between Starfleet and a group of Bajoran resistance fighters who oppose the Cardassian Union"

Why would Picard ask Ro (who is currently court-martialed) to go undercover and infiltrate the Bajorans (of which she is one of them) and help the Cardsassians (who she hates). Do you see where this could possibly go wrong? Regardless, I was still a little surprised when Ro Laren screws over Picard and decides to stay with the resistance fighters and fight against the Cardassians.

177 down 2 to go


capt.naps said...

i always found Ro Lauren hot.

Mugato said...

Same here

Justin Garrett Blum said...

Were they planning on moving her over to DS9 or something?

Donald said...

I believe Kira was originally supposed to be Ro.