Thursday, March 06, 2014

Star Trek TNG: Episode 175 - Bloodlines

This is yet another one were the idea of it is decent, but the execution of it is just so flawed. The Ferengi Daimon Bok looks to get even with Picard for killing Bok's son a few years back. So, Bok gets a random kid and re-sequences his DNA to look like he is related to Picard....hmm, sort of dumb. Picard believes that he could possible be his illegitimate son because, well, Picard has bedded many a fine lady in his day. Bok then abducts Picard's "son" and threatens to kill him. But then Crusher figures out that it's not really Picard's son and the entire plot falls apart.

I will so however that the dynamic between Picard and his "Son" (a petty criminal) was rather interesting. Also, it was good to see Picard sort of take on the unexpected role as a father.

174 down 5 to go


Donald said...

Here's how this episode should've ended:

Picard: "Bok has my son! Worf, join me in transporter room 3 with a team of your best men. We have to get my son back!"

Crusher: "Captain, the DNA tests are in. He's not your son after all."

Picard: "Oh... fuck him, then. Let him die. Let's get out of here."

capt.naps said...

Maury Povitch should have been on this episode