Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Star Trek TNG: Episode 171 - Eye of the Beholder

I watched three episodes last night, so I will just post all three in a row. Here is the first one...

Well, I just didn't understand this episode. A crew member kills himself by jumping into a plasma field thingy. From what I understood, he killed himself because his girlfriend cheated on him...i think.

Anyway, Troi and Worf are asked to investigate this death. That's an odd pairing for an investigation you say? Yeah it is. This is because they are trying so hard to match them up, we already had a few episodes where they are an item in alternate universes and in dream sequences ... but this time its real. They actually get together and have sex. It makes zero sense and it makes me very annoyed. First we have Troi; personable, very nice and very beautiful and then we have Worf; gets along with nobody, is angry and violent, and looks like a human horseshoe crab. Why the fuck would they ever hook up???

170 down 9 to go

1 comment:

Donald said...

Haven't you ever heard that expression, "Once you go Klingon, you never go... uh... watch that movie Bring it on"?

Anybody got a better one?