Monday, March 10, 2014

Star Trek TNG: Episode 178 - All Good Things... Pt. 1

Damn, so it's the season finale. Never thought I would see the day. And as finale's go, this one is pretty good. The plot was very engaging and the filming of this episode was phenomenal.

The entire series ends up back at square one, The Encounter at Farpoint. Picard is simultaneously living in the past, present and future. In the past he is back at Farpoint with Q. Q explains that the "test" is still going on and this is the final judgment. For once, I actually enjoyed Q because he wasn't a total goofball...he was actually really really evil.

The test involves Picard making the correct choice in a scenario involving an anomaly. But, he must do this in three different time frames. The past (basically episode 1), the present (episode 178) and future Picard as an old man on a starship piloted by his ex-wife Bev Crusher.

178 down 1 to go

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