Sunday, November 13, 2011

Enterprise: Episode 77 - STORM FRONT Part 1

"After destroying the Xindi weapon, Enterprise finds itself in the 20th century during World War II with Nazis in control of the North Eastern USA."

So in this universe the Nazi's/Aliens have taken of the U.S. Archer escapes from that camp somehow and ends up hanging out with a black woman and a bunch of NY style mobsters. Daniels shows up on the Enterprise and explains that he has taken them to this realm in order to end the Temporal Cold War. I still don't understand, if Daniels can do all of this crazy shit then why couldn't he just fix all of this crap himself. Silik then shows up and steals a shuttle pod and heads for Earth. Trip and Travis get captured by the aliens. So there is Archer looking like Dick Van Dyke in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.


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