Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Enterprise: Episode 90 - THE AENAR

"The drone Romulan ship that attacked the Andorians is under the control of an Aenar, an offshoot race of the Andorians. Archer and Shran join forces to rescue the Aenar and stop the Romulan plot."

So we see that the ships are being controlled by an Aenar which is an albino Andorian. They are a secluded and peaceful  subspecies. Archer and Shran go to Andoria to locate them. Once there they recruit the sister of the renegade Aenar to get him back. She eventually uses her psychic abilities to cause her brother to destroy the Romulan ships. A few thing to note. First of all Jeffrey Combs is so friggin good on this show, this episode especially as he was not only his usual jerky self as Shran, but also had some tender moments as well. Also, I think the female Aenar was actually hot. Unfortunately her name was Jamel, which is also the name of the black kid that cracked open my head with a shaving cream can in High School. This is a total boner kill.



Donald said...

I have absolutely no memory of the past ten or so episodes you've reviewed.

Also, that chick is totally not hot.

ms mugato said...

seriously mugato GROW UP!!! you say every female is hot on this show

Mugato said...

The sad thing is that I'm more attracted to the hideous alien woman. Why???

Justin Garrett Blum said...

Because you're a Mugato? You've got to take what you can get when you're a hideous ape-like lifeform.

Mugato said...

Um...yes, yes that's it