Thursday, November 24, 2011

Enterprise: Episode 85 - Kir'Shara

"Archer and T'Pol bring back the Kir'Shara (Surak's artifact) that will lead to vast changes in the Vulcan world. T'Pol's Pa'nar Syndrome is cured by T'Pau."

Very solid episode, but you really had to pay attention which can be tough with Enterprise.  A lot going on here. Archer proves that he had the spirit of Surak by finding his lost artifact. The spirit is then returned to these's not important. Back on Enterprise: Soval informs Trip that the T'Vos is planning an all out attack on Andoria. They go to inform Shran, but he doesn't believe it and kidnaps Soval and torches the hell out of him. But, he doesn't break so Shran eventually believes it. The attack is stopped with the aid of the Enterprise. Meanwhile: T'Pol's husband helps Archer and her get back to the ship and he releases her from their marriage.

The episode ends with T'Vos meeting with that security officer that planted the bomb. He removes his hood and reveals that he is a Romulan. Him and T'Vos reveal that they have a plan to unite Vulcans and Romulans in an alliance against ... well just about everybody.


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