Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Enterprise: Episode 96 - DEMONS

"A xenophobic faction of humanity threatens to undermine talks to form a new coalition of planets"

 Not the worst episode, but not the best either. Certainly the guest stars are top notch, Peter Weller as Paxton, Tom Bergeron, Peter Mensah (awesome on Spartacus) and Eric Pierpoint (the mayor from Buffy the vampire slayer). The crew are back on Earth, there is a conference with many alien races attending. They are discusing an alliance. Suddenly a woman appears (looks like Judith Light), she is shot and gives a vile to Trip saying "they are going to kill her". Phlox discovers that the vile has a hair sample from a baby .. with Trip and T'Pols DNA. The baby was created by Paxton, he heads an anti alien faction. So why would he want to create an alien/human hybrid? Haha, I seriously have no idea! Maybe i'll find out in the next episode.


1 comment:

Justin Garrett Blum said...

This show got a little too complicated with its plotlines. I think that may have been its downfall.