Monday, December 06, 2004

I'm BACK !!

Sorry i've been away, we had a little trouble here at the bar. I had an idea for a super cool "Bruce Springsteen" night. Everyone sprays on fake beard scruff and wears tight jeans with white t-shirts. Some people really got into it and started acting like annoying neo-hippies that pretend to have a point of view but really just want to sell records. The Boss has some good tunes though. Anyway, you ain't lived till you seen a Thelosian in jeans... Things started off badly when I yelled out "Who's The Boss!!" and Lazarus yelled out "Tony Danza!" followed by a Klingon bellowing "You fool....we all know it was Judith Light!". A fight ensued but it was quickly ended when the Klingon beat Lazarus to death (I won 10 strips of Latnium on that fight!). Here's were things get really bad. I thought it would be fun to actually be "Dancing in the Dark", everyone gets on the stage and starts doing the Springsteen/Cox Shimmy ..... don't pretend you don't know what i'm talking about. I turn off all the lights and OH BOY!! The SCREAMS, the HORROR, oh the HUMANITY!! The official count is 1 Kalvin with a cracked cranium, 3 Andorians with broken hips (they don't drink enough milk) and for some reason Gorn strained his penis. I was afraid i was gonna get I killed everyone. Except for Gorn, he's cool. Then I went on a 2 day Coke binge....and a 1 day Pepsi binge, ha ha...was that a joke? How's this one...i would enter the Crab Nebula but i forgot my condoms ..... something like that, i'm still working on it. Anyone seen any good movies lately? Spongebob was decent....i laughed out loud a few times. Then I realized I was watching an hour and a half cartoon and I cried. I actually got choked up during Cold Mountain...whats wrong with me? What the do i shut off the italics!!!!


Mugato said...

Yes, Yes and No....but i AM a fan of Beauty and the Beast the Series.

Mugato said...

I already told you! They didn't show her face.

Mugato said...

um.....good point.